Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Hi Folks!

The skies were leaden for our drive south from Miami to the Keys.

We didn't get a great impression of Miami as we ventured down US1 and I95, perhaps we'll come back for a second visit before we write it off completely.

The weather was in short filthy as we drove out of Miami - getting onto the Keys was something of a disappointment - no elegant causeway no announcement - just grey skies and grey water. Anyway we plugged on.

And plugged on...

We were now passed 2,000 miles on our journey and the Keys were not lightening things up for us. The crazy local radio stations with there surreal adverts which only locals could possibly understand continued.

We figured if you want to advertise a drug in the US you basically must be insane given the list of side effects you also need to describe which are usually safely hidden in the small print which is wrapped around the tablet preventing you getting to your headache cure and is immediately discarded.

We get to Checca Lodge pull in at the gate - I get the dates right weird about Miami - and we are in jungle paradise.

We are offered champagne before we even announce our names and are ushered to our room with the minimum of formalities.

This place is wonderful - beach front, jungle paths to explore, pitch and putt, tennis kids snorkling pool in case the little darlings get eaten in the sea - real risk -  adult pool, fun pool, restaurants, bars inside and out and our home for the next two nights.

We had a fab lunch and then set off for a game of golf. Would you believe during the course of the golf the clouds lifted and we were in a beautiful blue sky streaked with white vapour trails.

Golf went remarkably well with my hitting two par 3 in the first 4 holes the unfortunate thing being the 10 shots taken on the other holes - Philip was much more consistent, and didn't manage to find the water with quite the ease my gorgeous shots seemed to. The end result was that the day belonged to him unless you care to use balls lost as a measure.

We retire to the clubhouse for a cold one. Sitting overlooking the ocean through palm trees at one with the world despite a devastating loss I was happy for one.

Dinner was fabulous - over which we hatched our activity plan for the following day.

Bed and sleep quickly followed - lovely...

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